Well after, some time im able to upload, and show you some of the stuff from the IED, Finnaly i have something more decent to show.....haha ...

Well after, some time im able to upload, and show you some of the stuff from the IED, Finnaly i have something more decent to show.....haha ...
Hey! After a long time, i'm able to upload, some stuff from the school, no big deal, but i wanted to upload something, For example the c...
Well guys after some time of inactivity i'm glad to report that i'm back and i will tell about my experience in italy (so far). by n...
Hello i know that i've already posted this design, but i wanted to impove it a little bit, Ciao, and warm regards from Italy
Well guys after been off line for a while i'm back... but i'm going to tell why. the history is something like this: One day, a nor...
Hello guys, this time i'd like to introduce you Mr. Luciano Bove. and specially his blog with tons. of interesting stuff . like advices ...
Pues, ya solo faltan 26 dias para tomar el avion con rumbo a Turin! si bien. la emocion es INMENSA y la oportunidad de ir alla tambien es ...
Well, this was a long time ago (april 29, 2007) but i'm still very happy because thanks to this achivement i could get more experience a...
Bueno pues, dado que naci sin tener la mas minima idea del diseno automotriz, mis comienzos no fueron espectaculares, en verdad los dibujos ...
Well guys, the people who knows me knows that after my intership at Airdesign i wanted to study Product design at the ITESM (tec de moterrey...
Pues, despues de haber hecho my cuenta de blogger hace ya un rato, y no haber publicado ni una entrada, por fin me decidi a publicar algo, s...